Saturday, February 26, 2011

air supply

currently listen to Air Supply
....faint in love....

Monday, February 21, 2011

i do love tea!!

I love tea !!!

That's who's really addicted to tea;) i rather chose tea for my breakfast, tea time or even my supper instead of milo...It's refreshing once you get a sip of tea..believe me! sipping through a cup of hot tea can help me reducing my stress..if i felt stressed, i started to heat the water, put a piece of tea bag into my tea cup, add some sugar...then enjoyed the "inner treatment" paced to my mind...a bit of exaggeration here;p when i felt lame doing works, tea could help me i went out having a drink outside, i was like pulled forward to say the same dialogue

"bang...tea o panas satu!" ;p

Some medical research found that tea have potential to heal many disease like flu, cancer, parkinson, heart disesase and etc...besides, tea help to control our blood pressure;) green tea also shall be the best beverage of choice...over a year's of time you could lose your, if you are planning for a diet, do inserted this ancient beverage in your diet;)

Let's see how addicted she was ;))

ni sambil mkn char kuew teow ngn ummu..gelas camni xbape sesuai..boleh buat mulut melecur..;D

lunch talk at serumpun...gather ngan xteslian UDM;))

time breakfast kat dkap...;)

ni time makan mee kari kat fac..sebelah tu teo o ok...;D

A cup of tea serves you cups of good health!!!
try to love tea guys;))

Saturday, February 19, 2011

personal wellness analysis


i'm a bit relax today...i'm half breathing now...but still got 2more tests next week+1part of my report need to be submitted...same like next 2 and 3 weeks a head, scheduled with assignments...yaa...i love a new software when we are doing assignment now...turnitin...urged me to read deeply and paraphrasing in doing my report...since i tend to chose quiet a hard topic "sentence structure and accuracy in subtitle: in term of pragmatics" i've got to be ready with all the difficulties ahead;D but it's ok...tried to pave the way out with a new scope of study ;) for the first submission to turnitin i've got 34%..and when i'm working on that i've finally got 2%..see! don't take the easiest way doing your work by plagiarize others' work!;D

rindunye nak jadi cikgu balik...huuuuhh
regarding our presentation, i think we worked more on our dialect like in socio and psycholinguistic..proudly spoke in kelantanese' dialect by creating a simple micro-teaching to my class using natural method;D i think that i've achieved the objectives of my teaching cause i'm a pure+pekat+likat kecek klate..haha,everybody knew that;) nantikan kepekatan saye kecek klate class mr daniel nanti,hehe

last week, i unintentionally dropped by at a booth to analyze my body's wellness...and i ended up with such result:

height: 158cm

body fat: 26% (lemak aku lebih 4%-sebab suke mkn ayam,hee)
total body water: 54.2% (lebih 4.2%-lg byk air dlm bdn lg bgus)
muscle mass: 36.4 kg (ok)
basal metabolic mass:1180kcal (ok)
metabolic age: 19years (muda 4thun dr umo sbnr,he2)
bone mass: 2.2 kg (tulang agak ringan, lau jatuh,mudah patah)
visceral fat rating: 3 (ok)
physical rating: 5 (ok)

there's no harm to know what our body need more or less do update your personal wellness for the sake of our life ahead...appreciate the most GOD's greatest gift to us;)

saye budak suke kat kedai bundle..looking forward for more because they are cheapest yet nicest!! ;D

Saturday, February 12, 2011

comelnya berbaju kurung

Saya telah di tag oleh fadilah untuk join contest, let's do it! ;)

syarat-syarat penyertaan boleh click kat blog tuan pnya contest ni siti khadijah

Baju kurung ni boleh buat kaum2 hawa ni nampak comel tau...sebab utama sekali kita akan nampak santun dan sopan je bila pakai baju kurung even seseorang wanita tu agak boyish..bila dah pakai baju kurung jalan pon mesti sopan, lemah lembut, terkepit2 je..sebab tu comel,hehe..Lagi satu, pattern baju kurung sekarang ni yang menerapkan elemen2 comel seperti corak polka dot, bunga kecik2, jalur2 yang buat kaum hawa ni nampak sgt comel in baju kurung...
dengan wujudnya macam2 jenis shawl sekarang kita agak nampak lebih comel if we are good in mix n match them lovelies;))

Firstly, baju kurung ni simple..easy to iron..comfortable to wear..sebab ia tidak terlalu ketat dan tidak menampakkan bentuk badan...masa jalan pon tak rase risau bila pakai baju kurung sebab ia labuh..dah tutup bahagian belakang kita;)

Secondly, baju kurung sekarang dah dimodenkan...ada yang diletakkan riben di bahagian pinggang dan dada...kadang2 baju polka dot, kain jalur2...tengok,betapa tinggi martabat baju kurung...cuba dimodenkan untuk menarik minat lebih ramai kaum hawa untuk memakainya;)

Thirdly, baju kurung is always new and modern! untuk majlis2 formal, dinner, presentation orang prefer pkai baju kurung...even chinese and indian pon proud rite;)

Then, pakai baju kurung ni boleh buat kita nampak kurus..siyes!! boleh cover sket bahagian perut! ;p badan yang agak berisi pon agak nampak slim molim je bile pakai baju kurung...;))

my mom's made..just cost me 20ringgit;))

thanks to siti khadijah for this contest...wahhh...teruja tol berbicara sal baju kurung...da abes kertas kajang aku....hahaa;p

ok...saya nak tag contest comel ni pada:

1. zinie
2. eppoo
3. nana farhana
4. afikah aziz
5. hanim

Tarikh tutup penyertaan 20 Febuari 2011..

sharing my potato pie recipe

Before i speak more n more, let me put my thumbs up first..;p i managed to dictatorially forced myself not to fulfill my morning's weekend on my bed..but i sit vividly on my chair reading, paraphrasing and editing my assignment..yeahhh;p So, with such a lovely feeling as i am now mixed with morning moist an a lonesome room because others are still with their blanket i like to share an easiest recipe for this weekend;)


Potato (1 1/2kg)
isi ayam (dipotong kecik-kecik)
4 ulas bawang putih (dipotong dadu)
3 labu bawang besar (tumbuk)
2 sudu besar serbuk kari
butter (1 ketul)
minyak untuk menumis
daun sup (kalau suka)
garam+ ajinomoto

Cara-cara membuat:

Mula-mula..basuh potato tu sampai bersih, peel, kalau nak cepat masak potong kecik sebelum rebus..Bila dah siap rebus, toskan dan lenyekkan potato tadi..Lau nak bagi bes masa makan, yang kecik-kecik tu xpayah lenyek-lenyekkan..nanti makan rase ketul-ketul..yang besau-besau tu silalah lenyek dan penyet dengan sekuat hati...heee

Ini ialah rhope potato yang telah dipenyetkan tadi..Lepas tu masukkan butter, sukatannya ikut suka..Lau suka lemak-lemak masukkan 2ketul xpe butter cup, bile dah gemuk tanggung sendiri;p lau nak rase lemak lagi masukkan full cream milk, tapi jangan banyak sangat takut lembik...Gaul butter ke dalam penyetan potato tadi sampai rata

Ini isi ayam yang dah siap...Mula-mula masukkan minyak sket, masukkan bawang putih yang dah ditumbuk, tumis sampai agak garing, kemudian masukkan serbuk kari yang telah dibancuh dengan air (sebab takut hangit). Kemudian masukkan ayam, bawang besar yang telah dipotong dadu, sedikit garam dan aji no-moto. Kalau suka daun sup, potong halus-halus dan masukkan sekali

Bila semua bahan-bahan tadi dah siap, letakkan kedua-dua bahan yang dah siap tadi selapis demi selapis, mula-mula masukkan penyetan potato tadi

Lepas tu letakkan lapisan isi ayam pulak, yang atas tu belum siap layered just nak bagi saudara saudari nampak;) yang dah siap di lapis-lapiskan..Nampak macam bahan-bahan tu mixed up kan...sebab isi ayam melebihi ramuan potato,hee kemudian, masukkan lam oven, bakar sampai masak..gambar yang dah siap xsempat ambik sebab tengok2 dah tinggal separuh lam bekas tu...;p

-flirt your husband through his stomach-

***quotation xleh blah, angkat bag sila balik kg ok cik intan..hahaa

a very fake pose oke;p kunun tekun melihat resipi-resipi akan datang..haha proudly say that i've got this black piece just for 6ringgit ;))

Sunday, February 6, 2011

keep the peace ;p

I am at UPM now...huuuhhh...after a very long and hectic journey..11hours in car from klate to KL that normally took just about for 7hours..we were lined up from ketereh until karak..just able to make a little move from kuala krai to lipis...after that my bro got to play with his clutch...pressed it in and out...huuuhhh..and me put all the cd's in and out having my own silly karaoke box in the car,hee my bro said there are different sorts of slow occured today...

1. slow at the traffic light
2. slow when people got to change 3lane to 2lane
3. slow when jpj and police made road-block
4. slow when accident occured
5. slow when car broke-down
6. slow when there's an enormous hole

the massive jam had changed our mind to use an alternative way yet a lonesome way...made a u-turn after paid for the tol, we used jalan gombak instead of karak highway...i called it "jalan hantu" memang tempat hantu duduk kot,berbukit2 dan berlingkar2...but along the hilly road, siap leh nampak orang asli dan anak-anaknya mandi-manda kat air kaki bukit lagi..hehe i'm impressed by the fascinating scenery there but beware!! siap nampak kesan tnh runtuh lagi,huhuu

i hate when people used emergency lane sneaking in other's car...this thing gave me no shows that you are not a discipline driver..respect others that queue up all along the way just to keep the peace

intan...please do schedule things to get done next week;)

mode: rindu tuan punya botol itu

Friday, February 4, 2011

pengat pisang+nangka di kala petang

dihidang bersama tea O my fav;))

Cuti-cuti ni memang aku manfaatkan dengan aktiviti makan..Tinggal kat kampung ni untung...semua benda ambik kat rumah je..Semalam teringin nak makan pengat pisang+nangka...Bahan-bahan nak buat ni free je...pisang aku ambik kat pokok sebelah kiri rumah aku..nangka ni aku ambik kat pokok sebelah kanan rumah aku...hahaa santan pon aku ambik "nyor" kat rumah aku je...kampung ni..macam2 ada....hiksss;))

Aku potong pisang ngan nangka tu kecik2...senang anak-anak nak makan..anak sedara..;p

Pisang + nangka
Gula melaka/"nise"
Daun pandan

Cara_cara membuat:
Masak santan bersama daun pandan, masukkan gula melaka, ikut tahap kemanisan masing-masing...lau boleh jangan manis sangat nanti xbes nak hirup...manis2 buah gitewww!!;) masukkan garam sket..bila santan dah mendidih (tapi jangan sampai pecah minyak) masukkan buah-buahan yang sudah dipotong cute-cute tadi tu...


manfaatkan buah-buahan di sekitar anda;p