Friday, July 27, 2012

7th of ramadhan

Salam everyone....alhamdulillah..we have gone through on the seventh day of ramadhan, what a great barakah HE send us within this seven days..everything was fine and our table was served with full plate, different kind of dishes, with different kind of kueh which vary in colours and tastes...Oh Allah, u gave us happiness during the ifthar and during the terawih, although i was not performed my terawih with other muslim but i promised that i won't miss my terawih for this year how tired i am and for which shift i work...Ya Allah Ya Rab i am so thankful and grateful with what u gifted me...Ya Allah, help me not to be drawned into this world..Guide me Ya Allah...Thank you Allah....

Ya Allah...thank you for this happiness;'(

menu for today: spaghetti with chicken nugget+carrot
(2 benda ni je ada lam peti, hikss;p)

Selamat berbuka semua..Jangan lupa baca doa makan;))

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

salam ramadhan

assalamualaikum...salam ramadhan everyone...we have left 5days of ramadhan, kejap je kn...i am now start working in shift, yaa...working is tiring and now how much i miss my degree time yet i don't want to continue study again. I love working in digi,yayy! but i have set this up as my temporary job cause i hope to be posted under kpm as i had been asking about our chance to get posting as well. Many of us are working now, whatever our jobs are, enjoy the time we need to work, think positive and upfront, think that we can pace through all the difficulties with the help of Allah s.w.t. Remember that all your ups and downs come from HIM. Be grateful with your job now because still many of the people outside need a our job and love our religion;) remember than HE will always be with us;))
just a quick merapu update...owh, thats my new baby, i dont know why did i chose blue even i hate blue, but my new baby in blue! hikss

Saturday, July 7, 2012

weekend with umar naufal

naufal with his new this more and more!

chicken spaghetti! sbb xde daging cincang;D


sandwich aku yang comot...sbb nak abiskan sardin;)

masak pagi before g keje..bawa bekal...most of the staff kt cni semua bawa bekal..mkn ramai2...bgus kan;))

i love cooking! anddddd  definitely love eating! since i was all alone here, once i felt bored, kitchen was my first place to pace through...and now every morning i will cook something to office, and i love working here, a very casual environment and i even could wear anything casual to work! fun kann!;))

to umar naufal: you are super cute in your new bald-cut..weekend duk ngan che do yer;))

Sunday, July 1, 2012


balik keje, masak nasi, makan nasi dengan sangat banyak, lepas maghrib da tido...harap habit ni xbeterusan! gemok la aku nanti..mode: sangat risau!;D