Tuesday, August 31, 2010

kisah air teh dan RAMADHAN

...dari satu sudut ruang buka puasaku...

Ini bukan cerita tentang mak cik yang keje petik daun teh..ini juga bukan cerita tentang si gadis kampung yang kerje timbang serbuk teh kat kilang..ini cerita tentang air teh..sempena bulan ramadhan tahun ini Boleh dikatakan setiap hari aku minum teh o untuk buka puase..Teh o yang dibuat suam2 kuku, manis2 buah itu memang tersangatlah nyaman di minum waktu berbuka..harus pcye kalau kat rumah..abah aku memang selalu minum teh o suam mase berbuka...sebagai ganti air batu yang boleh memudaratkan urat2 tua mereka..

-seni bual tentang air teh sambil merehat2kan badan selepas berbuka;p-

Bersederhanalah dalam membuat persiapan raya, iringilah pemergian Ramadhan ini dengan memperbanyakkan amal ibadat kepadaNYA

Monday, August 30, 2010

jangan tiru keperibadian aku..;p

Hari ni setibanya aku dalam class Syntax aku rase "lemas" yang teramat sangat..Air-cond yang sebelum ni memang aku anggap musuh tibe2 jadi kamceng ngan aku..Aku duduk kat kerusi tu serba tak kene..Badan aku rase berat sangat(terlebih tido kot,haha)..Aku rase xnak cakap ngan sape2 pon..Muke aku tak yah cakap laa..Muncung dah boleh ikat ngan tali rafia dah..kesian kat orang yang tertengok muke muke garang aku tu..Dah la lecture lame giler tadi..Balik bilik aku tido sampai kul3.30(Nah, hambik kau,haha)..Bgun..aku buat benda yang boleh beri ketenanangan pada aku..Thank God..i'm all ok now..;))

gamba ni xde kene mengena pon dengan hari ni..tapi aku rase ade kena mengena dengan perasaan aku;p-being suffocated by her own mood-
Black cardi ngan pink dress ni aku beli bundle..5ringgit ajeww!!

Bulan baik ni jangan masam2..jangan garang2 tau..kurus puase..hehe
chill outttttt girl!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

malam ini dan semalam

feel i'm all shortest stand next to you yaya! hak3

When we love someone or anyone..it doesn't need to be showed through action..it is all enough just prayed for him or her..love is all about an appreciation and a care that is embedded inside..Without love we can't walking along in this journey that has been borrowed from HIM..Going to know someone will lead us in loving him or her and even them..Someone that giggling around together can be found easier rather that someone that giggling around just to make us happy..
i've realize that i'm heading to a maturity now..maturity is a level of someone that hasn't filled with any specific measurement.. Sometimes, i tend to act silently..Reading into someone's mind silently..Silence might be the best reading..

That's what i virtually wrote as i have been bounded with the calm moisture this night..

These are some pictures from yesterday's breakfast with my ex-teslian in udm

Nabil-Happy to see you with your husband;)) Rase nk kwen jgak...;p Jaa-enjoy having a very warm conversation with you...Hope to have it again next time.. My karoake team mates-You are all best ever super hot singer lah...hahaha;))

trios of us-ummu, taq n jaa

"nabil..sedak dok nikoh?" that's what we kept asking nabil...heeee;p her hubby next to her
owwhh..i thought some of us are missing!others were discussing, i was snapping...;Dfrankly speaking..i don't know where this is.. hahaaa
embrace the moment ;)

"I wish future is just a step further.."

Saturday, August 21, 2010

my babies' advice

Sedang orang lain sibuk siapkan assignment..aku pulak sibuk duk conteng2 dinding kat meja study aku ni...hehehe
lepas baru abis berbesen2 test hari tu, so aku rase nak buat something yang boleh buat aku puas ati;D So, berbekalkan kertas2 n gambar2 yang dah ade..aku pon letak2 gam..tampal la kat dinding meja study aku...Dengan harapan leh buat keje n study dengan penuh semangat lagi lepas ni...cehhhhh;p

So, cause i was so addicted to babies..I put all the most cutest of their faces on the wall..Owhhh..I felt calm looking at their round-cute eyes and extra chubby cheeks=) felt that some sort of serenity will start your day believe me!
"Look Good, Do Great, Feel Fab"
that's what my baby wish 2..First, make sure that we look good internally and externally, doing our work greatly that will make us feel fabalous in our steps taking...=)

Then, we moved to another part..This part can be a single space for me after observing my feeling probably things that bounded around me.."women are used to worrying things over trifles"...That's what i figured out based on my view towards women..And that woman can be referred to the penulis;p through this blog, people may know what type of person i am..love tear-drips and emo..hehe So, women...don't solve a problem with a very sensitive hand..Solve it intelligently..Don't we ever stared at a very little fault as a thing that can make one relationship aparted..Love all the people around you even they are so annoyance..Besides, learn to forgive others mistake' cause we are going to be a mother just in a few years...hehe=) When you are intended in forgiving others, you will be calm with your days

Jeng..jeng..jeng..Ok kat bawah ni ialah si penulis yang kununnye berjalan dengan penuh cooolll..haha
Ok2..back to a very serious discussion..As she's asking "can i shorten the distance? Yaa, that's what she always wished and literally begged for..But nobody will nod their head for this..So, girl do not despair..stepping to the miles that definitely will be ended one time...counting your days with a strong heart..

ngantok...nak titon jap...


Friday, August 20, 2010

sahabat..saya syg kamu semua..baca ini...

Sesungguhnya aku juga seorang insan yang tersangat alpha di dunia ini..Sama-samalah kita merenungi coretan ini...

Sabda Rasulullah saw yang bermaksud: "Bersuci kamu sekalian dari buang air kecil kerana sesungguhnya kebanyakkan seksa kubur itu dari sebab buang air kecil."

Pada suatu hari malaikatul maut datang untuk bertemu dengan Nabi Idris as lalu Nabi Idris meminta agar malaikatul maut mencabut nyawanya dan kemudian Allah menghidupkannya kembali. Permintaan ini dilakukan untuk Nabi Idris as mengetahui kesakitan sakaratul maut agar taqwanya lebih mendalam dan teguh lagi. Maka Allah memberikan wahyu kepada malaikatul maut supaya mencabut nyawa nabi Idris dan dia meninggal ketika itu juga.

Malaikatul maut menangis dan memohon kepada Allah supaya Dia (Allah) menghidupkan kembali Nabi Idris lalu dimakbulkan Allah. Setelah di dapati Nabi Idris as sudah hidup kembali, malaikatul maut bertanya: "Ya saudaraku, bagaimana rasanya kesakitan maut?" Jawab Nabi Idris: "Sesungguhnya jika dibandingkan sakit terkelupasnya kulit dalam keadaan hidup-hidup dan rasa sakit menghadapi maut adalah 1000 kali sakitnya." Kata malaikat maut: "Sesungguhnya saya melakukan dengan secara berhati-hati dan tidak kasar apabila mencabut nyawa engkau itu dan belumlah pernah aku lakukan terhadap seseorang pun."

Dirawayatkan lagi bahawa Nabi Isa as telah menghidupkan beberapa orang yang telah mati dengan keizinan Allah. Maka sebahagian orang kafir berkata: "Sesungguhnya engkau telah menghidupkan orang-orang yang telah mati yang masih baru, yang mungkin mereka itu belum benar-benar mati. Maka cuba hidupkan untuk kami orang yang telah mati seperti zaman yang awal dulu." Kata Nabi Isa as: "Cubalah kamu pilihkan?"

Mereka berkata: Hidupkanlah untuk kami anak Nabi Nuh as (Sam bin Nuh)." Maka Nabi Isa as pergi ke kuburnya, lalu mengerjakan solat dua rakaat dan berdoa kepada Allah. Dan Sam bin Nuh dihidupkan kembali, tetapi rambut dan janggutnya sudah beruban. Nabi Isa as hairan Kenapa jadi begitu. Berkata Sam bin Nuh: "Saya telah mendengar panggilanmu dan saya mengira hari kiamat telah tiba, maka rambut dan janggut saya berubah menjadi putih seperti ini dari sebab takutnya hari kiamat.

Berkata Nabi Isa as: "Sudah berapa tahun kau meninggal dunia?" Kata Sam: "Semenjak 4000 tahun lalu dan masih belum hilang sakit dari sakaratul maut."

Sesungguhnya aku berasa takut setelah membaca coretan ini...;'(

adakah saya pelajar lambat?

accepting moisture better now!makcik duk ambik air smyg eh?sori yer, msuk blog kite ni..hehe

After batting with all the four tests..I felt soooo much released! yaaaayy=) So, i can tie to my bed tightly..seeping through all the heavenly dreams tonight,hehe..This week can be ticked as a hectic one..My hecticness peaked as i need to handed the directory while i deadly jumped into the lecture notes..After just having my simple and quick break fasting i started to work until 12a.m completing it (salah sape aku xpegi terawih;p)...took a nap...and woke up back at 2a.m..Started to blend all the notes to be absorbed in my brain...huuuuhh (dah mcm robot Jepon yg buat biskut raye kan aku..Eh, org jpun raye ke.hee)

Arabic3, Language & ICT, Corporate Comm n Phonetics are all the four papers that got me involved in that Battle of the Test! Andddddd, here, i am proudly confessed that i'm the always-usual-last-student who submitted the question papers..for all the test...(kadang-kadang aku memang nak anta cpat,tgk2 last jgk) laughing while injecting some proud hormone,kah3

Tadi bukak pose ngan club Al-Biruni kat fac..sambil menikmati keindahan malam..Besh=)

Malamku Syurgaku

Sunday, August 15, 2010


As i woke up from my nap at 6.30p.m.. straight headed to the cafe...alone...yaaa..i'm always being alone here..for me..alone doesn't mean that i am lonely...but this evening, it did put a melancholic feeling to me...back to my room..i ate alone...

I looked at my table...scattered with notes...Staring at my laptop and felt want to text him..Typed a few words but didn't get any answer that nearly breaks me into tears..Until he texted me back...After having a very warm conversation with him...Tears started to stream my cheeks...I was moved by my own mood actually...More tears drip....


Friday, August 13, 2010

deadly tired and literally untired...

"saye penat buat keje sekolah"....

I am utterly tired now
Slept at 5.30a.m last night and woke up at 8.30a.m.
And...until now..still going through this...
Hope can finish up the directory tonight
because i've got to say hi to all the notes for the upcoming test

...."tapi saya tak pernah penat ambik gamba ;p"....

Head off to Pok Ngoh's house tonite with Abe Lie after a thousand request by him
Biase la, budak sekolah, bz sket byk keje sekolah..hihihihi=P

-sama ada kamu puase ataupun tak-

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Marhaban Ya RAMADHAN

"Jika semua harta adalah racun, maka zakatlah penawarnya"
"Jika seluruh umur adalah dosa, maka taubatlah ubatnya"
"Jika seluruh hari adalah nista, maka Jumaatlah penyuciannya"
"Jika seluruh bulan adalah noda, maka Ramadhanlah pemutihnya"

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

turn me back to my baby's world


she drowns herself to a very deep sleep in class

she wants to pierce through all the sweetest food after class

hommmm..it might be related with her curse in her previous post...hihihi;D

owhhh...please turn me back to my baby's world..Now, i just want to eat and sleep..Hope somebody will kidnap me and bring me back to those time...please...........(again n again)

my rebonding-curly CURSED!!

unrelated-kaki jer nampak happy..muke xhappy sgt pon;D

Can I say that i am extremely happy now! yaayy=)
I feel much more better now..instead of snorting here and there i am over sniffing now...;D
Ok..Yesterday, i was having my Syntax & Morphology test! ohhh..i was the last submitted the question paper...ngeee~~ I felt hard to think as i brought along my flu during the test;p
Soo, no matter my lecturer, Dr. Chan and her anonymous tutor got to wait for me...Dr. Chan looked soooo coooll waiting for me in front of the class while her tutor seems to widened her eyes looking at my slow action..(haih mak cik..mase xabis lg laa...geram tol!) I glimpsed at her and I had seen how she was badly affected with my gracefulness in answering all the simple yet tricky questions! haha So, i tried my instant rush giving a final touch and check for my answer before her rebonding hair turned back to it's probably curly hair if i spent a little longer in front of her! hahaha
So, if anyone wants to be an 'exam waiter' make sure that you are not having the ability peering to the students otherwise he or she might curse your hair to turn curly...;p

My flu was being chased by a bundle of medicine from PKU!
Can answer the test even i knew i already got 3 wrong answers!

but..the most important is my overabundance of multi-layered overjoy of happiness now!
(hambik kau...ayat....haha)


Sunday, August 8, 2010

gara-gara pakai JEANS

Follow the sequence of the pic=)

..Sincere muslimah....Cool muslimah....Erpp..no more words!!! ;)

I wish tomorrow will be a little longer..Got to sneak in Syntax & Morphology notes!!!

suka pasa malam=) tp xsuke selsema=(

OK2..ni gamba Intan kat pasar malam Putrajaya..Ayong la bawak Intan kua..sebab Mr.H ayong tinggal kereta kat ayong(mati aku lau ayong bce ni;p)...Time kaseh ayong sebab da berjaya buat Intan menghabiskan duit Intan kat sini...;)

Baiklah...Baiklah..Ayat-ayat di atas ditujukan buat Ayong...
Because she's the only one that called me INTAN...=)
**cayunk ayong**

i am snorting here and there..feeling extremely hard to breath now..Go away flu;'(

Saturday, August 7, 2010

go-go-go-went-gone- weekends!!

yaya da ngamok2 sbb aku pkse ambik gamba aku..ala2 candid la konon ;p

Lately, she officially slept early...yaayy!!..but she still have the ability woke up early in the morning...thought of doing works early in the morning shall be high of quality and much precious! hee ok..literally, she's having lots off-course-job now..assignments-tests-At least it will re-function her brain, not just shaking her legs in the class while lecturers telling and giving her everything to be absorbed in my brain ..Hoping that tears won't start to stream her cheeks as she's doing her works;D

what a perfect way to start my weekend by step on to the class!!
owhh..heavennn!! haha

Being happy is a choice...you are the one who shaped the mode in your life..So, enjoy your days even ever day is your working days!! =)

INTAN : i've got to brush up my vocab+grammar -go-go-go-went-gone! ;p

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

little tudung to little skirt....;P

"Omaigod...kak sha..you are the ugliest among the ugliest as you wear this green tudung"


OK...that was a quotation from my little form 1 sister...UMMI when i wore that tudung
...yaa..i admitted it..Can I say that it was a horrible combo of head attire..muahaha..i was totally like a granny that are not coy and too dare in matching the colour with my real age (in that case of granny;p)

Partly, I had a melancholic mood as I look at the tudung....But...an instant idea rushed into my head...It gave me insights not to waste it or just hide it silently in my wardrobe... I literally wore it as a little green skirt...ngggeeeee;D

~please ignore the floor background~
Bcoz this idea seems ridiculous..I gracefully posed at the picgrapher..;p

So...girls especially..re-think on how to change from a granny to a girl...hehehe=)

ALLAH selamatkan kamu LIYAYANA...=)

An instant card from me to Yana...It got a final touched at 11.46p.m..When Ummu came to our room to head us to the get-fit-plan party...It's still extremely gluey gummy on that time..hehe

Yaa..we are all gathered until 3a.m..All the secret love story revealed last night..Yeayyy our head felt ups and downs during syntax & morphology class this morning...;D

To Yana:

Sunday, August 1, 2010


can i say that i am tired
no matter how hard i try
no matter how much i give in


“Mati itu ibarat bahtera dengan gelombang yang ditakuti manusia, namun setiap orang sudah pasti akan mengalaminya, kesihatan seseorang tidak menjamin panjang umurnya, dan penyakit pun tidak ada kuasa untuk memendekkan umurnya. Setiap hari berita kematian mengejutkan kita, seperti burung-burung berterbangan entah akan hinggap pada siapa.”

...Dari ALLAH kita datang dan kepadaNYA juga kita akan kembali..Sesungguhnya mati itu amat dekat dengan diri kita...

Al-fatihah buat Mahasiswa Pusat Asasi Sains Universiti Malaya...Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman…Amin...