Sunday, October 31, 2010

ucapan, kata-kata dan gambar-gambar;D

"tahniah buat pasuke klate mene bola smale..puok demo meme ganah lah"
-ucapan tahniah versi klate sebagai pembuka bicara menandakan aku banggo menjadi anok klate,ngeh3-

(tibe2 bahase omputeh muncol,gagaga)
Lately i've ate and slept a lot..After having my dinner until my tummy was 'clog' with the food i've taken, around 1opm my pillow started calling me..forced me perhaps to sleep on it..hehe So, i just sleep like a big baby's elephant by ignoring my final final assignment need to be completed because i need to drop by to my not understandable was due to my fault entering the class brought my empty brain without trying to understand the lesson,hee..

Now, i've just completed my Task 1 for the assignment, i will work on my task 2 this evening..hope so,heee~~

Here are some of our shoot regarding tomorrow's theatre party..
(ajat xnak makan byk, TAPI menambah-nambah siap...hehe)

cam bese..gamba 1st anda akan disajikan dengan pose poyo dr tuan punye blog,ngeh3~~

tersangkut kat dinding..makan kenyang sgt ;p

moto ni cm si ABE megat faris kan..bijak picgrapher ni smpai moto 2 nampak cam kerdil jew!

sy dan yana yang same gile cam, ummu plk slalu wat muke sdey dpan cam,huhuu

ummu ckp "sy xreti laa ambk gmba kot atas ni"..taq n yana as usual maintain ajew!! ;D
buat taq," luasnye dahi kamo"...gagaaaaa

yeyeaaa!!! aku jumpe duit 10henggit;p

dr awang hazmi..our theatre facilitator yg t'sgtlah klakar n**

girls..remember that utterance words are the most powerful things in the world..beware with what u've uttered..controlling shall be the best rather that treating one hurted heart..

intan aishah: stop playing around, start drawing your exam schedule...;D


  1. hehehe...ingt lg ko ABE eh...
    RXZ mmg kerdil & kiut...mcm pmilik dia..

  2. smangat klate tuh, tulise abih meroh, =D

  3. megat:
    haishh..mst la ingt...

    waa..mst la..bak kato qimah smgt ore klate zame bzame..hehe

  4. taq weh!
    comey sungguh tudung mu tu!
    jangok molek dio loni~

  5. eppo:
    erkk..come ko?ak xbrehi mno tdg 2 bena..kerah sket..
    ak jangok zame bzame jangok poo! ahahahaha
