Saturday, June 2, 2012

story of nanny-to-be

Assalamualaikum and morning everyone!!!

I have been visiting my new nephew, which name couldn't be mentioned yet, since his mummy and daddy refused to announce their baby's name till his seven days old!;p kissing and holding a newborn baby is amazing...when i kiss him...i will said "besnye bau baby" like everyone did;) and, my brother, Mr. Yusfadlie was offering me to be a nanny with bachelor degree's salary, BUT he said the degree's salary will be cut for the car, food, unify, house expenses,bapa mertua dia pon cakap, potong2 semua tinggal 300ratus! haha yadaa yadaa tol abg aku ni, hahaaa;D 
cepatlah besar, xsabar nak tengok kamo!;))


  1. taq, ore bc gok blog kak ipar taq tu. hehe. congrats. more pictures plssss ^^
