Thursday, March 17, 2011

kain burok ;D

Just now i said something to Ziny my roomate...

" I don't feel like reading and understanding...but i feel like washing and brushing..." ;p

Then i closed up my book, put nine hangers into my pail...because i have six pieces to be brushed;p washing and brushing do help me to chase my stress away...believe it! ;D

as i was singing and humming in the toilet my hand paced at one of my clothes..then, a form of smile appeared followed by a short yet concise laugh..ape punye ayat laa, haha..i was smiling alone because a remembrance to my aunt dialogue....

Aunt: Baju sapo tu Na?
Mom: Baju sha laa ni Kak Yam
Aunt: Laa..Kak yam ingat kain burok gapo doh sakni...


definitely it was a piece from my bundle collection...i bought it just for i have to prove to my mum and aunt kaen buruk also can look good ok...;p

tekun ;D

ok mommy...aunty...cantik x kaen buruk ni...? ;p

ok bye!!...updated 30minutes from Mr. Den class...;))


  1. indie:
    ehemmmmmm...bleh jewww...haha
    mmg nme btol indie ke? indie tol...hehehhh;D

  2. najwa:
    tenz waa...
    kaen burok pon cantek kan3...ahahaha;D
