Tuesday, March 30, 2010

black n white crew-FUN!!!!

-Intan Aishah Yusoff as Multimedia Executive-

CUCI-CUCI SERVICES' crew without our CEO-Nicholas Nathan

a pose obtained as the photographer said "say cheese"with our big father...;D

Having fun after spending my weekend preparing for MGM presentation
(final report for our CAR WASH)

As this subject known as a hectic subject for most students..Same like me lah..Sleeping at 4a.m editing all the reports and slides is worth as we could create a big satisfaction in our lecturer's heart=)

This week is labelled as my critical week..peering with headache,aspirin,books, notes, food-absolutely!
Plus my terrible time doing my literature..analyzing the poem, fiction and drama..such imitating me to Shakespeare;p
(think of redeem my weekend)

thanks to :
ummu aiman-4 always being my supportive assignment mate
zni+pora+yaya-4being my cool room mate
guys-4sharing and giving ur assignments;p

Feel so release because i can see the reduction on my assignment list..
one by one starts shaking their hands and saying me good bye=)
Feel some sort of serenity is keep accompanied me at this time
**cukenye kje sekolah ciap;)**

love note: for him, sorry if i did make u feel ignored...~~i.l.y~~


  1. uolls l0ok s0 nice! chumel2..

  2. ayong:
    tenz ayong..lege ngat rse..=)


  3. singgah blik..thanks coz sedar dlu..(*_~)

  4. erin:
    orite2..jmput2 la mlawat..hehe=)

  5. cuci services la nie ekk

  6. wdj owner:
    haha..hola..tp xleh nk mri bsuh keto doh la..sykt bubar doh..hehe
