Tuesday, June 26, 2012

be a good mother

something interesting to share here;) got this from one of my schoolmate, Anis Syahida, xpt while browsing through some of her pic! so, amalkan surah-surah ni, insyaAllah dapat anak-anak yang menyejukkan hati;))

after 6years

Salam everyone...it had been a very long time this blog had not been updated. Since the examinations were scheduled massively, i've have no time to write even lot more to be shared, ok alasan!;p I'm not no longer an undergradute but a fresh graduate! andddd also soon to be an employee tomorrow;) this is the greatest gift from HIM since this is what i want it to be..work immediately after i finished my study. God give what we want, what we hope and what we wish;) yes, what we want and how we wish things to happen actually come with effort.. I got this job as i attended the interview during my examination week, within paper, i had struggled myself, putting all of my effort, physically and mentally to get the job! study immediately after the interview even my head was extremely tired and my body was deadly weary! it was 2stages of interviews and for the second stage, there were 5 different assessments. On that day, as i saw the other candidates with 30-40 of ages,with 15 years of experience in that particular field as well made me feel like gave up. But God sent me the strength to lend my best effort to the interview. Alhamdullilah i got the job;) this was my big and heartfelt gift to my mum and dad, and to my mum...all your cry, anxiety now was repay;) thank you very much for your doa, the most and endless barakah u gave to me, i love you mum, all i do and did just to make  you the happiest mother in the world.     

and to my friends, yaya, pora, nurah thank you for all your advice that keep supporting me..pora, thank you for all the selawat u gave me, keep remind me about HIM...lily and jang, thank you for your time and childishness, rustling and out into my room that cheering me up;)) i love all of you so much;))

GOD give us what we want, HE will be ashamed if HE cant fullfill our wish and hope, so keep asking from HIM..insyaAllah;))


Thursday, June 7, 2012

take mood

Assalamualaikum! Semalam duk layan movie, hari ni konon nak take mood nak study, konon nak print nota, tengok chap pe yang masuk, buat jadual exam cantik2, tulis tempat exam katne konon nak bagi semangat sket study, tp hampeh tol, da 2jam duk depan laptop, mood nak study xdtg2 lg...tapi aku tahu lau take mood nak study aku bese ambik mase satu hari. so esok la maknenye aku mula study..INSYAALLAH! Penat betol jadi final year student, fikir fyp(dah siap semua, bound, tunggu nak hantar je) dan yang paling penting fikir keje! perkara yang sangat dirisaukan oleh semua pelajar universiti yang dah dan akan habis, termasuklah aku;D Isnin hari 2 pegi interview TPM, sampai hari ni nightmare ngan TPM xabes g, interviewer memang kaw2 hentam tapi siyes dapat pengalaman bermakna dari TPM ni, diorang macam terkejut aku yang final year student apply, tapi xpe, memang nak timba pengalaman interview, next time leh tahu pe yang sesuai untuk diajar ketika mock teaching...lau ade peluang interview attend je, banyak hidden experience yang kita akan dapat nanti;)) skng nk fokus pada final dulu, tadi ade emel resume sket, nak stop dulu cari keje, study dulu, fokus final dulu, rezeki Allah s.w.t. dah tentukan, just the matter of time, cepat atau lambat, daripada pe yang aku bace, ade tertulis, Allah s.w.t. malu untuk tidak memenuhi permintaan hamba-hambanya;) jadi,banyakkan usaha dan berdoa kepadaNYA..
seronoknye makan nasi yang lembik2 macam ni atau nama lainnye bubur..jap lagi nak masak bubur! ;D

Saturday, June 2, 2012

story of nanny-to-be

Assalamualaikum and morning everyone!!!

I have been visiting my new nephew, which name couldn't be mentioned yet, since his mummy and daddy refused to announce their baby's name till his seven days old!;p kissing and holding a newborn baby is amazing...when i kiss him...i will said "besnye bau baby" like everyone did;) and, my brother, Mr. Yusfadlie was offering me to be a nanny with bachelor degree's salary, BUT he said the degree's salary will be cut for the car, food, unify, house expenses,bapa mertua dia pon cakap, potong2 semua tinggal 300ratus! haha yadaa yadaa tol abg aku ni, hahaaa;D 
cepatlah besar, xsabar nak tengok kamo!;))