Thursday, September 23, 2010

aksi tunduk menunduk!!


(first time kot bagi salam nak tulis blog, ish3)

Hehe, tried to be sooo-sooo-nice in this post...The answer is just by twirling your eyes a bit down,hehe..Because she's wearing baju kurung that's what she's a kind of juruh compared to her gagaa photoshoot in the toitoi before (name juruh bagi toilet,hehe)

"Yana..ok dop ni?..biar napok juruh2 sungguh ni," she said to her picgrapher while giving the most juruhness post in her life,hahaha

mane2 shoot si gagaa mesti ade payung...payung itu mcm ajinomoto, penambah perisa, pelengkap rase,karut tol,gagagga

si gagaa yang da-alif-rho-tho.."nak masuk rumah aku xde carpet gerak mcm ni la!" haha welcoming floor kot..dalam 2 ade ikan aquarium atas lantai..cute sgt=)

udah-udah le 2 ('',)

Aksi tunduk-menunduk ini sangat sesuai untuk memperlihatkan kejuruhan serta keayuan kite semasa bergambar
(selamat mencuba! =D)

Actually that's rambling shoot were derived from our visit to MARDI regarding our Cooperate Communication's assignment..Thank you sooo much with your Tip Top Troopers service..We were so mesmerized with the english style of landscape there, simple, unique, n nice! like**

Siap ade minum2, kuih-muih lagi..Tapi aku puase..tgok ajewww la! ;D

With The Head of Cooperate Comunication Division in MARDI..Tgok 2..jauh kan aku dari encik tu...juruh kannn aku??? hahaha

Wokeh! this 2, 3 weeks was my Week of Assignments..Hope will be embedded (doing works) on my chair not on my bed,hehehe

Just ticked a new movie as my-watch-list! heee;D

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

gaga DAY for a gaga GIRL !

i know that everybody now is deadly kind of busy with their students' works! chasing for the deadlines submitting their assignment and sneaking in the notes for the test ! being ups and down counting the stairs to the library as the time they went to the library..And the most terribly hard is when all the books needed weren't there! (same like what happened to me today;)) Yaaa, that's the most malas-malas part for a student like me to deal with.heee;p All the 8weeks after raya will be like one endless workday without a rest for everybody

OK, this morning, as she arrived at the faculty 3ominutes earlier...Then, she went gaga in the toilet...But, not as crazy as Lady Gaga ok...hahaha

Let's check it outtttt!!gaga dimulakan..lihatlah..sampai senget bangku 2 bile si gaga itu duduk..hahaha

owhhh..kelihatan si gaga mula mengatur langkah...muahaha gaga mula berdiri..mencari2 idea yang seterusnya..gagagaga

herrrppp...hambikk...patah pinggang kau si gaga...hak3

salah satu usaha si gaga untuk menyelamatkan diri dari sebarang unsur2 air dari atas..hahaha

steps heard outside! cpat2 si gaga..snap ur final pose!

ni kembar si gaga kat lua toilet..baik dan berjurus ajew!!


Went these just as one turning from serious things to little pleasantries !

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


i miss my previous time..
a time
when i have no trouble asking for a shoulder to cry on if i need one...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

aku dan Syawal 2010...

Maafkan Segala KATA yang terasa Segala SENTUH yang mencedera Segala SENYUM yang berbasa Segala JANJI yang terlupa dan Segala DETIK yang berdosa

-family EID 2010 shoot-

Che Do yang sentiasa sibuk dgn cameranye,hehehe

"maaf yer adikku syg" kata si Haiqal yang nakal itu;p

"haiqal..JOM kite maen kire biskut raye!" gagagaaaa

wan nur hidayah dgn che do nya yg penuh hidayah...hahaha ;p

kakak aku yg sewel;p ..abg aku yg xhenti2 menambahkan berat badan...gagagaa2

adikku fikri sebagai Ayoh Chik..tgoklah perbezaan kulit mereka..muahaha

my little sister-Ummi as Che Su

"nak comey ni xmengira usia mok..." ngehh3~~

gemoknye aku...gaspppppp..

duit raye konyok2 pon xpew, janji besaw nilainyew!! hakksss

our final pose! besa nanti jgn jd camera addict cm che do ye! hahaha

Sorry for not-sooo-good-quality of pics..After adding a big weight to my body..gotta stare back at all my must-do-list of works!
Thinking of shut myself in my room till long after midnight coz i need to submit my works on the 6th eid..owhhh...heaven! ;p

Saturday, September 4, 2010

bile antu gamba balik KAMPUNG

**antu gamba with her "si tua"**

Selepas 8jam 45minit aku kena goncang kat dalam bus semalam..akhirnye aku selamat sampai kat kampung halaman aku..Memang rock n roll la pakcik 2 bawak bus..laju gile..aku ingatkan sampai la awal..tapi lambat jugak sampainyer;p aku sempat lagi sahur kat umah walaupun aku memang da kenyang..tapi sebab rase nak makan jugak nasik kat umah..So aku makan la nasik setengah senduk jew..haha
**antu gamba racing bsame adik tanpa bukak tongkat,muahaha**

Waktu yang paling seronok time bulan puase ni bagi aku..Suasana menyiapkan juadah berbuka ngan family..Aku ngan mak aku da masuk dapor kul5 lagi..Aku pulak sibuk duk suh abah aku kait rambutan kat rumah aku ni yang merah2..memang mengugat puase aku..Da la aku ni spesis xleh tengok rambutan,hehe bukan saje rambutan, dengan cempedak skali abah aku ambik, penuh satu keto sorong,hahaha

This is antu gamba's final pose before her mom yelling from the kitchen

"Sha....!!! doh2 la tu duk ambik gamba,nak dekat bukok doh ni"...hahaha

So, aku n adik2 aku yang tengah shooting depan umah dengan "si tua" ni terus berlari2 anak masuk ke dalam umah....yeeaaayeyyy da nak bukak!

this shoot remind me of my childhood..miss those time..;))