...A powerful matriarch who imposes a strict rule on her five daughters...
"Not a breath of outside air is going to enter this house. It's going to feel like we've bricked up the doors and windows"....
...with their portrait....
"Not a breath of outside air is going to enter this house. It's going to feel like we've bricked up the doors and windows"....
...with their portrait....
Handling a trip, bring my course mate to watch theater as was asked by DR. Rosli did make me weary..
going up and down, in and out BHEP block everyday
entering the TNC's room after class
waiting for the DEAN to get his signature
calling KLpac 4 hundred of times
working so hard every night and day, had paid me back
a satisfaction was etched in my heart when
everything walked like what i've plan
everyone was eager and mesmerized with KLPac
~~their happiness was dancing at the edge of their heart~~
=holding the ticket..got 10% discount=
better u say she's looking gud in dis pic...hahaha
Hope BERNARDA ALBA make you feel the taste of life
and permeating through your vein..;D
entering the TNC's room after class
waiting for the DEAN to get his signature
calling KLpac 4 hundred of times
working so hard every night and day, had paid me back
a satisfaction was etched in my heart when
everything walked like what i've plan
everyone was eager and mesmerized with KLPac
~~their happiness was dancing at the edge of their heart~~
=holding the ticket..got 10% discount=
better u say she's looking gud in dis pic...hahaha
Hope BERNARDA ALBA make you feel the taste of life
and permeating through your vein..;D